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Book Acknowledgements

Creating this book has been our most exciting achievement ever, but it wouldn’t have happened without some amazing people.  In no particular order because we appreciate everyone for their support, we would like to thank you…


Caro, for your kindness and encouragement which enabled this to happen in the first place.


The Choristers and families, for providing the rock on which this book was built.


Anita, your suggestion to make Book Three into Book One made all the difference in the world.


Gordon Pike, lifelong Chorister/member of the choir, your love of the Cathedral provided the inspiration for a Midnight Choir that wants to sing forever.


Diane Walker, for your generosity in providing expert knowledge about the history of Exeter Cathedral.


Michael, Mum and all our family, for being so patient and positive while we were obsessively writing and drawing – and Paul, for providing the inspiration for George’s Fantastic Feat of Fearless Flatulence!


Anne-Marie and Emma (real Mum to the real Hector and Edward) for being so helpful with editing and Anthony, for your diligence and great ideas and suggestions.


Monsieur Baurance, you are every bit as fantastic and caring a Boarding Master as Mr P.


Big Tom, thank you for being the inspiration for Big Tom!


Timothy Noon, the Cathedral’s brilliant Music Director – Mr Sanford just wouldn’t have been the same without you.


James Featherstone, Lucy Lewis and Helen Grantham, for providing the opportunity for James to come to such an amazing school… and to all of the teachers and staff (particularly Mrs Lake-Johns) for the evergreen gifts of education, care and support given to your pupils.


Mrs Lacey, retired Boarding Mistress – for telling us the real, live story about the snoring borders!


Celia and Theresa – without you, James would never have tried for an audition.


Lynn, Catherine, Bella, Clare, Lisa, Emma and Jess for your support in receiving the first draft.


Robert, without you Tiggs may have been a dragon, Leanne, thank you for your quirky-word contributions and Jane for your lively encouragement.


Carole and Craig, for your ongoing friendship and support.


… And last but certainly NOT least – to our precious Amy, Leo and your dog.  Without you, Tiggs may have had a different name, like Griff or something!  Whoa!


We hope we haven’t missed anyone out.  We have so many friends, family and passers-by who’ve helped and inspired us.  We appreciate everyone, named and unnamed, for supporting us on our exciting journey into book writing.


With our sincere thanks,

Julie and James

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